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Performance start times are listed on your tickets. Patrons arriving after the listed time may be held in the lobby until an appropriate break in the performance. This break is determined in advance by each individual production. Lobby television monitors feature the live performance for held guests.

Food & Beverages

A variety of bottled drinks, packaged snacks, premium cocktails and alcoholic beverages are also available at concession locations throughout the main and theatre lobbies. Cash and major credit cards accepted. Don’t forget to pre-order your intermission drink at the main cocktail bar!


The use of phones, cameras, electronic, audio or video recording devices during a performance is prohibited. Feel free to capture your experience before and after the performance and during intermission. During performances, all devices must be off or in airplane mode so as not to interfere with the production or jeopardize the safety of performers, with the exception of GalaPro. For more information visit okcciviccenter.com/galapro.


Certain theatrical conventions, including but not limited to, on-stage smoking, fog machines, strobe lights and gunshots may be utilized in a production. If you are concerned about an effect, please consult our website or call the Season Ticket Office for assistance. Notice of use is also posted in the lobby.


Temperature management in a large venue for over 2000 guests who all have varying perceptions of comfort can be challenging. The Civic Center monitors the temperature and settings regularly but the temperature can be affected by many factors including number of guests, amount of humidity and the rapidly changing outside temperatures of Oklahoma. Our recommendation is to dress comfortably for being in a large group, and if you are susceptible to cold, bring a light jacket, shawl or sweater just in case. Our goal is for the temperature to be perfect for each and every one of our guests but we understand that may not always be true and for that we thank you for coming prepared.

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